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Ashwin Balasubramanian

Student + Developer, Researcher, Gamer, and Pianist

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Admission System

An interactive interface for managing and automating the admission process for Loyola ICAM College of Engineering and Technology.

LICET Student Portal

Innovative and efficient Portal which was created for the purpose of providing an interface between the institution and the students.

LICET Alumni Portal

A Forum developed with the aim of connecting all the alumni of the Loyola ICAM College of Engineering and Technology.


A Medical assistant which is developed with the motive of assisting users at any position. Helps users by providing medical assistance

Wind Data Analysis Software

A Wind Data Analytics Software done to analyse and produce feasibility and productivity scores of placing a windmill at a particular region

Automated Medical Laboratory Test Analysis using Image Processing

A Laboratory Test analysis portal mainly developed to aid medical professionals in analysing and detecting anomalies in medical scans.


CoviBuddy is your friendly web application that has been designed to make your life easier during this tough and testing pandemic period.


A web application for spotting and plotting shipwrecks around the world. By logging in to our website, you can access our comprehensive dashboard and view all the shipwreck sites via a map and side by side is a wreck info form which you can fill up to add to our ever expanding database.

Ninja Run

Escape the obstacles by jumping and sliding over and under obstacles, as you sprint along the 2D landscape, collecting gold to buy upgrades with on the way.

Hi there

I’m Ashwin Balasubramanian, an undergrad Student and currently living in Chennai

In my spare time I would love to play Valorant and participate in hackathons

  • Date of Birth : 23/12/2000
  • Email ID :
  • Contact : +1 2136496723
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